Late 90s Hunting Game For Mac

Screenshot/The Internet Archive

Oct 21, 2012  1) A PC game, mid to late 90, possibly early 00s. Similar to pokemon as it was an open town 2d tilt view. Included an element of fantasy or magc or dragons of some sort. Part of the game was walking into a certain area of the map, however it was blocked two poles with lighting between them. The map was blocked by mountains to the north. Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness was a real-time strategy game released for DOS and Mac OS back in 1995 and 1996, respectively. Not only was Warcraft II a groundbreaking real-time strategy game at the time, but it opened up a whole dialogue for the lore of Warcraft.

Real talk: I think learning is always fun. (Yes, I am absolutely a Ravenclaw. Why do you ask?) But when it’s a literal game? Then it’s even better, especially when you’re a kid. This is probably why there were so dang many fantastic educational '90s computer games — the rise of home computing (and, by extension, the rise of computing in the classroom) during the 1990s opened up a whole world of possibilities, including tons of ways to make learning a blast for the up-and-coming generations. And you know what? These games are still fun. And yes, I say that as a fully grown adult; don't knock going back and replaying the games you loved when you were 10 until you've tried it. Seriously.

As is often the case with the things we remember from the '90s, a lot of the games those of us who grew up during the decade filled our days with were originally developed and released long before the ‘90s. That's perhaps the reason '80s babies also have a certain degree of fondness for them; many of them actually dated back to the decade in which we were born. Some were part of long-running series, while still more of them received a number of remakes and reboots as technology improved. Though the graphics may be laughable now, just remember — once upon a time, they were the pinnacle of technological achievement.

So, in the spirit of nostalgia, here are 15 computer games from the ‘90s that made learning incredibly fun. Most of them are available to play on the internet now, so in these cases, I’ve also included links to where they can be found — frequently either an app store or the Internet Archive’s glorious collection of browser-based, emulated DOS games.

Have fun, kids!

1. Number Munchers and Word Munchers

Danika Sidoti on YouTube

The Munchers series was created by the Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium — or, under a name with which you might be more familiar, MECC. I don’t know about you, but I have vivid memories of seeing those four letters scrawled across a huge number of the educational games I played at school; the company dated back to 1973 and was also responsible for games like the business simulator Lemonade Stand and the storytelling game Storybook Weaver.

The Munchers series' conceit was simple: They taught kids the basics of math and grammar. Number Munchers was originally released in 1990 for the Apple II, while Word Munchers had arrived a few years earlier in 1985. Gameplay-wise, both series functioned kind of like a turn-based version of Pacman; the object WAS to “eat” all of the numbers or words that correspond to the instructions on the screen (multiples of five, etc.) without getting caught by a Troggle.

What exactly are Troggles? No idea, but they're insatiable.

2. Math Blaster!

Dogman15 on YouTube

The original Math Blaster! was released in 1983 by the now-defunct developer Davidson & Associates, but it wasn’t until the ‘90s rolled around that the series really hit its stride. Between 1990 and 1999, a whopping 20 games were released in the Blaster Learning System — and somewhat astonishingly, a few more follow-ups trickled out between 2000 and 2008. Math wasn't the only subject addressed by the series; Reading Blaster!, for example,taught language arts. A Science Blaster! Jr. was also released at one point, but due to lack of popularity, it was the only entry in the series to tackle science-based topics.

Math Blaster! is available to play online now; additionally, a bunch of ports of the math-teaching game arrived as Android apps in October of 2013, so the series appears to be alive and well (if somewhat frozen in time).

Late 90s Hunting Game For Mac

3. Scooter’s Magic Castle

xtcabandonware on YouTube

Like many early computer games, Scooter’s Magic Castle consisted of a relatively large environment full of what we now call mini-games. Released under Electronic Arts’ EA*Kids umbrella in 1993, the game involved players either assuming the role of or simply helping out an elf-like creature wearing a blue tunic, red sneakers, and a red baseball cap turned backwards (the '90s!) as they worked their way through a variety of activities. These activities were designed to teach everything from problem-solving to typing; you could even make terrible MIDI music by jumping up and down a set of colorful stairs.

Scooter's Magic Castle also has a super earworm-y theme song, so if you now have it stuck in your head for the rest of the day… sorry. My bad.

4. The Carmen Sandiego Series

Lingyan203 on YouTube

No list of educational ‘90s computer games would be complete without an appearance by this mysterious, trench-coated criminal mastermind. The four major entries in the series — Where in the World, Where in the U.S.A., Where in Europe, and Where in Time — were all first released by Broderbund between 1985 and 1989; the deluxe versions of Where in the World and Where in the U.S.A., however, came along in 1992 and 1993, and as a result, it’s those versions that most ’90s kids remember so fondly. There was no better way to learn geography — and hey, Where in the World deluxe is playable at the Internet Archive, so it looks like I just figured out what I’m doing with myself this weekend.

Fun fact: A Facebook version of Where in the World was available to play in 2011; I’m not sure how I missed it, but it stuck around until 2012.

5. Kindercomp

_NilsHaxard on YouTube

I’m really dating myself here, but Kindercomp is probably the first computer game I remember playing. Initially released in 1983 by Spinnaker Software Corporation, it was exactly the kind of game that appealed to very young children: It consisted of six mini-games that taught kids their way around a keyboard by having them draw pictures, match pairs, and other simple activities. The one I remember is the 1984 version, but the Internet Archive has a whole bunch of ‘em available, so knock yourselves out. If you have a kid in your life who's around 3 years old, it might be a fun time to play with them!

6. Mario Teaches Typing

NintendoComplete on YouTube

As a child in a house full of gamers, naturally I adored Mario Teaches Typing, which first hit the scene in the early '90s. One of a number of educational Mario games released between 1988 and 1996, it put the pixelated plumber to good work teaching us how to type. Hitting the correct key would prompt Mario to hit blocks, jump on Koopa Troopas, and more. Nintendo had almost no hand in the development of these games (a far cry from the tight hold the company tends to keep on the reigns of its properties nowadays), but they proved popular all the same.

I’ll be honest, though: I actually learned how to type by frequenting chat rooms. As a result, I can type an impressive number of words per minute; however, I definitely don’t use the “correct” fingers. Ah well. Whatever works, right?

7. Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt on YouTube

Mario was second perhaps only to Mavis Beacon in the world of beloved typing programs — and what’s more, it’s still around: The first version debuted in 1987, and it has remained in production, continuing to get new and improved updates, pretty much ever since. You can download it for free right now if you like.

I was, by the way, absolutely devastated to learn recently that Mavis Beacon isn’t a real person. She was invented to give a face to the program in an era when human people weren't regularly associated with computer and video games (everything is a lie). 1985's The Chessmaster 2000had shown how effective putting a real person on the cover of a computer game could be; the wizard on the box was played by actor Will Hare, reported Vice in 2015. Mavis became the next incarnation of this strategy, as depicted by Renee L'Esperance.

8. 3D Dinosaur Adventure

Rocky54167 on YouTube

Launched by Knowledge Adventure in 1993, 3D Dinosaur Adventure was little more than a glorified encyclopedia specializing in what we knew about dinosaurs at the time (much of which has since been determined to have been terribly, terribly wrong, even if the brontosaurus did make a triumphant comeback in 2015). That didn’t matter, though, because dinosaurs.

Also contained within 3D Dinosaur Adventure was a mini-game called 'Save The Dinosaurs' — which, to be perfectly honest, was downright terrifying. It required players to make their way through a series of maze-like hallways to find and rescue 15 types of dinosaurs before time ran out — and by 'before time ran out,' I mean 'before the comet that wiped out all of the dinosaurs crashed into the Earth, while you and the dinos were still on the planet.'

No pressure.

9. Odell Lake

Highretrogamelord on YouTube

Like the Munchers series, Odell Lake was created by MECC and therefore a fixture for many an elementary school computer lab. It debuted in the early 1980s, but it stuck around for long after that; it’s why so many of us ‘90s kids remember playing it when we were young.

In all honesty, it wasn’t really that exciting — all you did was swim around as a fish, trying to figure out whether you should eat, ignore, or run away from every other fish you encountered. I’m also not totally clear on why this was classified as an educational activity; Giant Bomb suggests it taught kids about food chains and predator/prey relationships, but I... clearly did not get that takeaway from it. But hey, I suppose survival skills are important, too, right?

Odell Lake is a real place, by the way; it’s in Oregon. Just, y’know, FYI.

10. Reader Rabbit

Lingyan203 on YouTube

You know the old saying, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it? That’s pretty much the Reader Rabbit series in a proverbial nutshell: It’s so effective at teaching kids to read and write that it’s survived all the way since the first game launched in 1984. There's a huge list of Reader Rabbit titles scattered throughout educational computing history; at the series' height in the late '90s, six to seven titles in the line were being released each year. The output has since tapered off, of course, but the remarkable thing is that it's still around.

The last major PC release for a Reader Rabbit game was in 2010, but a number of titles have debuted since then as iOS apps. Many of the games are also, of course, available to play online courtesy of the Internet Archive.

11. Mixed-Up Mother Goose

Old Dosgamert Channel - Come to my new Channel! on YouTube

Mixed-Up Mother Goose didn't have a ton of replay value; the point was to sort out all of the nursery rhymes that had gotten 'mixed up' and put them back in order, so after you did that once, your work there was done. However, the world in which the game existed was so delightful that I played it over and over again as a small child. Released by Sierra in 1987, with a handful of remakes appearing at regular intervals throughout the ‘90s, it was a point-and click adventure game that encourage problem-solving; it also gets bonus points for having tons of relatively diverse avatar options — something which was even rarer back then than it is now. (And, y'know, it's still a problem decades later, so that's... really saying something.)

12. Super Solvers: Treasure Mountain

Shortmandesigner on YouTube

I’ll be honest: I actually have no recollection of playing 1990’s Treasure Mountain, Treasure Cove, or any of the other Treasure titles in this series. Many other people seem to remember these games fondly, though, so I think they deserve an inclusion here. Like many educational games, 1990's Treasure Mountain — a creation of The Learning Company, like the Reader Rabbit series — involved solving riddles that led you to keys that unlocked each successive level. You also collected treasure as you went, returning it to the chest at the top of the titular mountain once you got there. A prize was awarded for depositing the treasure back into the chest.

Treasure Mountain and Treasure Cove both focused on general reading comprehension and basic math skills; however, other entries in the Super Solvers series tackled more specialized skill sets, including deductive reasoning and logic.

13. The Dr. Brain Series

shadyparadox on YouTube

Admittedly, I never played the fourth game in Sierra On-Line's long-running Dr. Brain series, and I wasn’t a big fan of the third — but the first two? Classic. The Castle of Dr. Brain, released in 1991, and the follow-up, 1992’s The Island of Dr. Brain, were a step up from a lot of the other puzzle-solving games out there; they were geared towards slightly older kids, so there was more to each puzzle than simply picking a matching shape or selecting the next number in a sequence. We’re talking intense logic puzzles that might stump even some adults.

Sierra merged with another educational game company, Bright Star Technology, following the release of The Island of Dr. Brain; the franchise was then handed over to a team from Bright Star, which might explain why 1995's The Lost Mind of Dr. Brain and 1996's The Time Warp of Dr. Brain were so different from the first two entries in the series.

14. Eagle Eye Mysteries

Squakenet on YouTube

Like Scooter’s Magic Castle,1993’s Eagle Eye Mysteries and 1994’s Eagle Eyes Mysteries in London came to us courtesy of the now sadly defunct EA* Kids division of Electronic Arts. Unlike Scooter’s Magic Castle, though, they were meant for an older crowd. The games followed siblings Jake and Jennifer Eagle as they solved mysteries throughout first their hometown, then in London not — unlike a modernized, digital version of Encyclopedia Brown. If you were a pint-sized fan of whodunnits, this was the game for you; it helped you learn how to piece together different pieces of information until a complete picture emerged. A valuable skill to have, I feel.

15. Oregon Trail


Ah, yes: Oregon Trail, the game responsible for countless deaths by dysentery, many drownings of oxen who tried and failed to ford the river, and a plethora of memes. For anyone who grew up playing it, it's the gift that keeps on giving.

Speaking of people who grew up playing it, perhaps unexpectedly large swathe of the population falls into this category. Originally developed in 1971 and launched by MECC in 1974, roughly 20 versions of the game have been released since then — the most of which, believed it or not, arrived in 2018 as a handheld game similar to the Tiger Electronics games a lot of '80s kids grew up playing. Ostensibly, it taught kids what it was like to travel the Oregon Trail in a covered wagon in 1848; practically speaking, though, it mostly taught us about frustration.

Also: Never ford the river. Always caulk your wagon and float it.

Your oxen will thank you.

This article was originally published on

To accentuate the archer in you, you do not need to visit the jungle any longer, just get hold of the hunting games free download for pc and feel the scintillating vibes of a chasseur. The websites flood with a divergent of flow of hunting videos and games. So why not be wise and choose the best from the cart for your refreshment.


Late 90s Hunting Game For Mac

Late 90s Hunting Game For Mac Free

The top-7 Hunting Games that come easy and exclusively to you are:

1. Deer Hunter

If you have always wanted to target the virtual animals then this is the game you want to play.

  • The game play of this series is quite simple and the certain attributes of this game makes the time duration increase.
  • The customized graphics will chill your bones and make you feel as a part of the wild.
  • You can aim for the several objectives with the different rifles, guns and other gadgets accessible.
  • You can get parts of this game modified by yourself and can obtain upgraded weapons at various stages. So hunt for more than 100 different animals in a few clicks.

2. Hunting Unlimited 3

Enjoy real wildlife safari for free, relaxing at your home!

  • No travel fair, no Visa yet enjoy the wilds of United States of America, Canada and Zambia to track animals like Elk, Boar, Mountain Lion etc.
  • To get prominent view you will be equipped with a Bullet Cam. You will have to face several topography and harshness to finally achieve the prize back home.
  • There will be 6 hunting regions from where you will be required to take your pick and more than 30 gadgets to track the beasts down.

3. World Hunter

Different background to set your moods for picking on specific animals makes sure you download this game for free.

  • This game comes in great resolution to suit your eyes for hunting birds, bighorn sheep, and white – tailed deer in exclusive locations of snow capped mountains of Canada, New Mexico and Argentina.
  • You can personalize the hunter’s appearance and have several ammunitions. The different modes are sure to nurture your hunting skills.

4. Hunting Jungle Animals

This game is just the apt one for those who always dream of grinning at wild animals but could never acquire enough courage.

  • Download this game for free and enjoy real life hunting practice. Kill bear, stag and wolf with the sniper-skilled behavior in you. You will have a sniper gun to kill the daunting beasts. The animals are customized in a way so that they will react like real ones.
  • Have a chance on time else the beast might hunt you down. There are five animals in number which you progress only after killing one animal at a time.

5. Remington Super Slam Hunting

Alaska- Get down to action for free trial set in the backdrop of Alaska.

  • It is definitely a blood rushing game where there is no place for “slow and steady’’. You don’t get to attack a prey at a time rather you will be submerging yourself in a school of animals and the hunter is required to get hold of as many as possible.
  • This game is absolute creations for those with a steady and exploring heart. The chase for beasts is absent here as you directly get down hunting them.

6. Deer Drive

This free exciting game will entice you and keep your adrenalines flush rapidly.
  • This is a high definition game with realistic looking backgrounds. This is a simple approach to encourage those home-seated hunters. There is no need to set targets. The hunter is required to hunt down the animals directly.
  • Different levels will approach you seeking for different skill level. As you progress you will be adding bonuses and prizes to your account for head shots and other such skills.

7. Carnivores

Ice Age- To all those geniuses who want to visit the snow ball earth this game is all you need.

Late 90s Hunting Game For Mac Pc

  • Travel back in time and hunt down those giant residents of earth with the ammunitions at your bay. Hunt down the extinct mammoths, dinosaurs etc with the advanced techniques.
  • Experience the chills of the game looking at the ice capped background and expose your hunting skills.

So what are you waiting for? Showcase your skills at hunting without getting harmed in turn for real. Feel the vibe of those animals all around you only to become your prey!

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