Dark Tower Mac Game

Sep 25, 2018  Dark Tower was an astonishing achievement when it was released in 1981. Every aspect of the game was monitored by a small computer inside the black plastic shell of the tower itself, an unheard of innovation at the time.

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Dark Tower Mac Game Download

I remember only a few, sparse details about this game, but I remember playing it on an Apple II in school in the early 90s and having a lot of fun with it. Hopefully someone here will be able to help out.
This was an old game on a 5.25' floppy disk, which I played in the early 90s (maybe 1994?) but had to be several years older than that. It was your basic treasure-hunting game where you are exploring a mysterious castle or mansion and collecting treasures. You would enter simple commands like JUMP or TAKE GOBLET, a goblet being one of the treasures.
It was presented in 2D side perspective, in simple monochrome line drawings, where your avatar could be moved around, and if you left the screen on the left or right you would enter a new room. You could also go up and down stairs. Since the room was 2D, the stairs went down from a gap in the floor, and if you decided you didn't actually want to go down the stairs, you had to JUMP over the gap. It was easy to forget to jump and then find yourself going down stairs you didn't mean to.
That's about all I remember at this point. But I'm fairly sure that I could answer some yes/no questions if anyone has an inkling about what the game might be.
- Played in 1994, but the game was years older than that
- Apple II on 5.25' disk
- Monochrome, line-drawn graphics with a simple text parser
- Explore a castle/mansion, collect treasures
- 'Side scroller', an entire floor consisted of one dimension left to right, but you could go up and down stairs
- If you didn't want to go down stairs, you had to jump over the gap (I forget how the game handled going up stairs)
- No music or speech
- Adventure game
Thanks for any help.